Home automation with KNX and OpenHAB

Welcome on my "KNX project" page.

I created this page first for myself, so I can remember and lookup all what I've done for this project. But also for you, as a start-help in the wonderful world of home-automation with KNX.
As I started with my project, I had to collect information from several places such as books, blogs and the KNX association home-page. The learning process was quite long and complex... even if I have an electrician and informatics background ;-) And also perhaps because I didn't want to spend a lot of money in KNX certification courses.
In the next pages I will explain some KNX basics and give some helpful links or references. After that, I will explain (a part of) the KNX world based on my own project. I think it's simpler to understand if it's based on real examples, instead of theoretical thoughts.
